Under pressure

People are under pressure every day. The teenager that is struggling in school is under pressure to fit in, make the best grades, and juggle the busyness of their life. The athlete is under pressure to impress his/her parents, make the team, get a scholarship, and manage practice and school all at the same time. The working adult is under pressure to be a good parent, raise their child in the way that they should go, make the right decisions, get a good job, pay the bills, save their marriage, and just live up to the expectations they have created in their own mind. It’s not easy. Life is not easy. But you are not alone.

In John 16:33 the Bible states, I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Notice the part in scripture where it says, “…in this world you WILL have trouble.” The Bible doesn’t say IF you have trouble, it says you WILL have trouble. We are guaranteed to struggle at some point in time, but the second part of that verse reminds us that “He has overcome the world.” We can find peace in Him, in knowing that He has overcome any battle that we are facing.

No matter what is causing you pressure today, I encourage you to give it God. Seek the face of the Lord and let Him give you the peace that only He can give.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

May God bless you and show you His grace every day!

-Kayla Rampey

Dear Lord, I pray for the one that feels like the pressure of the world is crushing them more and more each day. I pray that whatever pressure they are feeling with ease as they remember how great you are. Lord, give them peace in knowing they are not alone. I pray that you will give them peace, that you will lift them up, and you will remind them of your love and your promises every day. Lord, send someone their way to encourage them on their hardest days and pray for them when they need it most. Let them know it’s ok to not be ok, it’s ok to be honest with you, and it’s ok to ask for help. Lord, give them an honest heart, a heart that seeks you for all things and finds peace in you and you alone. Guide them closer to you and increase their faith. Wrap your arms around them and let them feel your peace. I pray all this in Jesus Name. Amen.